Do Super Delegates Have Special Powers?

Home / Do Super Delegates Have Special Powers?

Read my blog, ‘Busy Adults too lazy to read a blog’, in under one minute, and learn.


First, and foremost, you may have not been familiar with the term ‘Super Delegate’, until this year’s primary elections. It was quite confusing to see how both political parties, Democrat and Republican, chose their presidential nominee to represent them in the 2016 presidential elections. This lack of information should’ve been disseminated to you while you were in school studying, but unfortunately there wasn’t and there still isn’t curriculum that covers this.


Don’t cry over spilled milk, let’s move forward together. Here’s a brief synopsis that led up to current day events. The Republican party doesn’t have what the Democrats call Super Delegates, they only have delegates. The delegates play the role of choosing their parties presidential nominee solely based on their state’s popular vote towards a candidate they choose in the primaries. This sounds pretty simple and quite efficient. But this year it backfired on the Republican party as delegates were unwilling to support the presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Many high ranking Republican politicians have pledged their support to the Democratic Nominee, Hillary Clinton.


Now, moving on to ‘Super Delegates’. The Democratic party saw the need for ‘Super Delegates’, 716 to be exact, to be able to manipulate the delegate totals in order to lock in the Presidential nominee. Here’s how their super powers work, they are allowed to pledge their votes to any delegate regardless of the state’s popular vote. Although, Bernie Sanders was leading the popular votes from most state’s primary votes, and delegates pledged their votes to him, the majority of super delegates pledged their votes to Hillary Clinton, which gave her the presidential nomination before New Jersey residents even had the chance to vote in their state’s primaries. So basically, no matter who we want to have running as president for our country, it will still ultimately be in the hands of the ‘Super Delegates.’


Now, there are many more important details, regarding Super Delegates, but the purpose of my blogs are to shorten broader topics for busy adults. Read the following article for more details regarding the delegate situation,


Finally, the reason for my third children’s educational books, Monster Mas Runs for President, is to push educators to make this part of their curriculum. To enable future voters or young adults, not only to vote in the presidential elections, but in their state’s primaries. Furthermore to vote in local and state elections that aren’t highly publicized, but can play a key role in determining who leads our country. The greatest power of all is Knowledge, so let’s share it, and help make this country live up to its potential.

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