Five Easy Ways to Implement New Year’s Resolutions for Your Child!

Home / Five Easy Ways to Implement New Year’s Resolutions for Your Child!

Every year adults make resolutions right before the New Year in the hopes to make positive changes in his/her life. Sometimes adults may make resolutions that will benefit their kids, such as, spending more quality time with their children, taking them on a trip, or just being an overall better parent. But have you ever thought about talking to you kids about making their own new Year’s resolutions? The main benefit of this type of discussion is to get children to start setting goals. We all know ‘experience’ thrives in today’s fast paced world, so let’s get them started, Here’s five ways how:


  1. Talk to them about the history of making New Year’s Resolutions. Did you know the first record of making resolutions was over 4,000 years ago, with the Babylonians? Oh, and after you read the following link, keep in mind, that the NYS Global History Regents exam your child will take in the 10th grade, inevitably has a question regarding the Babylonians. It’s nice to give them an introduction to who they are now, instead of cramming all the information in during a very stressful time in student’s lives.


  1. Now, talk about some of your past resolutions, and if you have succeeded in fulfilling them. If yes, discuss how it improved your life. And the best part, if not, discuss why you didn’t follow through, and discuss how you can improve on this year’s resolutions.


  1. Ask your child what he/she would like to improve in their lives? You may need to bring up certain topics to get them brainstorming. Some topics pertinent to your child’s development can be: education, sports, personal, social, community, and financial.


Here are some examples of resolutions from each topic:


  1. I recommend 2-3 New Year’s Resolutions so kids won’t be overwhelmed. Next I would have children either write them down or draw pictures of what they want. Now, create a small vision board in their rooms so they can see it everyday. This is exactly what teachers do. When you go visit your child’s classroom, do you notice how the room is filled with information and classwork on bulletin boards. It’s to keep reminding children of what they have learned and show their progress throughout. It works!!!


  1. Finally, make sure to check in with your child monthly on how they are progressing. As adults, we know resolutions can easily be forgotten after the first few months of the New Year. Let’s teach our children to follow through.


Thank You for Being an Amazing Parent!

Have a Wonderful, Happy, and Successful New Year!


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